Employee Training Optimization
Reduce Employees Training Time and Costs
Provide relevant support for your users, exactly where and when they need it the most.
In addition to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS), Solan-Technologies’ solutions also includes a knowledge management system. Our system eliminates errors and user’s frustration by providing step-by-step instructions in real-time, and context-aware guidance — even for new systems and processes.
Solan’s just-in-time support and training system will gain organizations tremendous ’employee performance improvement’ and will ensure they always remember what they’ve learned.
Bring your employees to their full potential,
Create in-app help with a click of a button.
Solan’s training optimization helps organizations to:

Assist users in their "Moment of Need"
With our Employee Training Optimization system you make information available exactly when it is required – at the “moment of need”. Your employees always get exactly the right support because the content is relevant to the current business application they are working on. As a result, the employee performance is much higher, process errors are minimized and the load on your help-desk is reduced.
Requires no integration and works on any application
Requiring zero integration, our solution works with any business application (legacy, desktop, web based, etc..) and can even execute cross-application processes.
Furthermore, Solan’s Employee Training Optimization system lets you produce help and guidance content using a simple recording process that captures dynamically generated elements on the screen. This means that you can create a guidance for an app just by using it as usual.

We play nicely with others:

Reduce costs, improve productivity and increase ROI
With Solan’s Employee Training Optimization
Email us at info@solantech.com
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